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Establishing Safe New WelfareOccupational Health and SafetyHealth Management, Service, and Promotion

Health Management, Service, and Promotion

Employees are the Company's greatest assets. We integrate resources from all parties, actively promote health promotion-related activities, use science-based health risk assessment results to implement case management and tracking, and systematically carry out multiple workplace health management projects through cross- department cooperation. This will instill employees with the concept of health self-management, raise employees' health awareness, and increase employee engagement. At the same time, we strengthened the employee care and protection network to jointly create a happy atmosphere at the Company, create a workplace culture that is happy, healthy, and balanced with work, and create a happy and safe workplace.

Employee Health Management and Occupational Disease Prevention Results in the Past 3 Years


Special Operations that are Hazardous to Health

The Company has 16 statutory special operation sites (high temperature, noise, ionizing radiation, carbon disulfide, tri(tetra)chloroethylene, dimethyl formamide, n-hexane, vinyl chloride, benzene, manganese, dust, chromic acid and other salts, cadmium, nickel, 1,3-butadiene, mercury and its inorganic compounds). Doctors will visit our sites according to the frequency required by the law, and will evaluate the health of employees performing special operations and the association with their work. The evaluations are jointly conducted together with supervisors, employees, nurses, safety and health personnel, and personnel representatives on site. We continue to prevent occupational illnesses through health examination follow-up, individual healthcare for employees, and operating environment and individual exposure monitoring.


Implement Hearing Protection Work

The Company's employees under grade 4 management are all engaged in noise operations. In addition to purchasing low-noise equipment, the Company launched the Hearing Protection Project and conducted a review. Employees under grade 4 management were interviewed by an occupational medicine specialist one by one to verify their work environment and followed recommendations of the specialist: Reduce the exposure time, change the workplace, or wear a communications headset with higher protective effects. In addition, "use of protective equipment" is included in the supervisor's SWAT.


Analysis of data in the past 2 years showed that "smoking" is an important risk factor for employees with a high risk of "cerebral and cardiovascular disease." In order to prevent cerebral and cardiovascular disease, reduce the incidence and achieve early discovery and treatment, we invited Director Yu-Chih Lin of the Division of Family Medicine, Yunlin Chang Gung Memorial Hospital to deliver a lecture on "Preventing Cerebral and Cardiovascular Diseases." We also cooperated with Mailiao Health Center to assist employees on site with carbon monoxide concentration screening and smoking cessation promotion.


Health Promotion Activities that Encourage Healthy Lifestyles



Promoting a hepatitis C-free workplace in response to the Ministry of Health and Welfare's "National Program to Eliminate Hepatitis C"

According to data of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the coastal area of Yunlin is a high-risk area for hepatitis C. Considering that most of the employees in the Company's Mailiao Plant are residents of Yunlin's coastal area, early discovery and treatment can prevent liver cancer. The Company's health examinations in 2023 to 2024 will also include hepatitis C antibody screening, and those that test positive for antibodies will be further provided with a hepatitis C antigen test. The total cost in 2023 was: NT$477,440. In 2023, three employees were found to have hepatitis C and were immediately referred to Yunlin Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Liver Disease Prevention and Treatment Center to receive hepatitis C antiviral drug treatment, contributing to the "National Program to Eliminate Hepatitis C" of the Ministry of Health and Welfare.


Periodic Re-training of First Aid Personnel and Equipment Upgrade

Appointment of first aid personnel in accordance with the law

We appoint one first aid personnel for every 50 employees in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and appoint EMT-1 personnel better than required by occupational safety and health laws, while also maintaining the effectiveness of their professional certification and their first aid skills to protect the lives of employees and contractors.

Upgrade first aid equipment in plants

Purchase additional high-altitude rescue equipment and Automated External Defibrillators (AED).