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Establishing Safe New WelfareOccupational Health and Safety Employee and Contractor Professional Training and Certification

Employee and Contractor Professional Training and Certification

We improve the specialized knowledge and skills of employees and contractors through solid training, and further improve operational safety and quality, lower abnormality rate, and achieve process safety, stability, and continuous operation.


Execution of Emergency Response Drills

Besides organizing emergency response drills every six months, the Sixth Naphtha Cracker conducts joint drills with the county government every year, expanded joint drills with Mailiao Association for Safety & Health, ocean pollution response drills, public area pipe carrier drills, irregular national toxic chemical substance disaster response drills, national key infrastructure protection drills, and joint chemical disaster training with Yunlin County Fire Department. The cross-departmental joint drills allow departments to work better together in disaster relief, while strengthening the mutual assistance and joint defense mechanisms of joint defense organizations.

Starting from the second half of 2023, we will not only achieve rescue after an accident, but also immediately respond to abnormal temperature, pressure or vibration in the process system and spray water as a preventive measure. When necessary, the highest level commander on site (factory director or section chief during the day shift; the supervisor on duty during the middle and night shifts or during holidays) orders the process to be halted to avoid accidents and ensure the safety of personnel and assets.

To strengthen the disaster relief capabilities of front-line response personnel, we also continue to conduct nighttime drills, when there are fewer personnel on duty and lighting is poor, to improve the emergency response and disaster relief abilities of personnel who are on duty.